Courtyard Garden

Part of a larger plot, the brief was to create a welcoming and attractive courtyard garden for use by guests staying in a former stable, which had been newly converted in to holiday accommodation. I also designed an area for guest parking together with a linking path. It was important that this did not impede the enjoyment of the house and garden by the clients and careful thought went into the position of the parking and path within the context of the wider garden. 

The terrace is of sufficient size to accommodate a table and chairs which overlook planted borders. A more generous space near the front door was compromised by the location of an existing downpipe and manhole, but by postioning the steps in this  location it created a more open feel and an easy transition from the upper to lower terrace.

A new yew hedge was planted to create a safe and secure space, separating it from the client's main garden. Some of the existing elements were retained such as the olive tree and the surfacing  for the lower terrace. Lighting and signage were also an important consideration given guests would be accessing the garden. The property is called The Cowshed and Corten steel was used to echo the agricultural theme.